A Naturopath cares for you in a holistic manner using herbs, nutritionals and other gentle techniques to restore health and wellbeing.
The guiding philosophy is to use natural means to encourage good health. ‘Holistic’ means to consider all parts that make up the human being –body, mind, soul, spirit, culture.
I work with my client’s in partnership and help them to understand themselves and their life story better, to resolve issues, have greater freedom from pain, heal faster, and become stronger and healthier.
Naturopathy can help everybody to an enhanced state of wellness – all ages, any health condition; any problem can be addressed and changed for the better using natural medicine. Natural medicine is safe and effective for all ages.
My passion and focus is with natural medicine and I love meeting and talking with people and helping them move from their current state of health to a new place of wellness.
Naturopathy simply means, “Let nature cure nature”. That is, a naturopath will work with you to stimulate and strengthen the natural in-built healing powers of your own body. Though you are unaware of it, your own healing power is quietly at work within you at all times, repairing cells, removing wastes, nourishing tissues, signaling cascades of enzymes and hormones to do their job in the right place at the right time. There are literally trillions of complex bio-chemical and electrical processes occurring every second inside your body.
When a system goes down or ill- health occurs, the key to restoration is to support the body in the safest, most effective way possible, and that’s where natural medicine comes into play. I do not cure, neither do I diagnose diseases, but I will assess which body system or organs require the greatest support and then provide that support in the form of herbs and nutritional factors.
If the body is out of balance or there are issues with pain or injury I offer the Bowen- Technique which is a gentle muscular release therapy that assists the body to heal itself in a remarkable way.
I use a form of herbal medicine called Homeobotanical Therapy, where after assessing the condition, I mix various blends of herbal concentrates to make an individualised healing program. These are supplied in small dropper bottles and are pleasant tasting, economical, taken by the drop on a daily basis.
To enhance your program, I also recommend lifestyle and dietary changes, and one or more nutritional products. I have access to some very well researched and effective products from various manufacturers that really make a difference to health.
By having a consultation with me, we can choose the best products for your needs, I take the guesswork out and put in my years of experience and study so you can be assured of a positive outcome.